
2024 Endorsements

“Sarah understands the importance of democracy and leads the way through her actions every day.”

Rep. Theresa Wood - Chair of House Human Services

“I really appreciate Sarah's commitment to participatory democracy.”

Rep. Seth Bongartz - Sunderland, Sandgate, Arlington, Manchester

"Sarah has been instrumental in ensuring that democracy in Vermont remains healthy and strong. I enthusiastically support her for re-election as Secretary of State."

Rep. Carol Ode - Burlington

“Sarah has done a wonderful job in her first term as Secretary of State. I trust her to continue to protect our democratic process.”

Rep. Mollie Burke - Brattleboro

“Sarah has done an incredible job as Secretary of State and most especially I am thrilled by her work with schools all over Vermont bringing lively civic discussions to many Vermont children and young adults!”

Rep. Jessica Brumsted - Shelburne, St. George

“I admire Sarah's passion for civics education. She encourages youth of all ages to better understand and be active in our Democracy. As an educator I appreciate that she always makes time to help kids learn. Thanks, Secretary!”

Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun - Rockingham, Westminster, Brookline

“Sarah has proven that she works for all Vermont residents and professions, and for strong protections for voting rights. I'm happy to endorse her again.”

Rep. Mari Cordes - Monkton, Bristol, Starksboro, Lincoln

“Sarah's participatory approach to the Sec. of State office has been exemplary. Her commitment is to help all Vermonters participate in civic life and to build our Vermont future, together.”

Rep. Tristan Toleno - Brattleboro

"Sarah's hard work and experience allowed a seamless transition from her predecessor. Your work inspires confidence in our elections and all aspects of the Secretary of States office. Thanks!"

Rep. Mike Mrowicki - Dummerston, Putney

Additional Endorsements

Janet Ancel - Former Chair of House Committee on Ways and Means

Rep. John Bartholomew - Hartland, Windsor, West Windsor

Kate Webb - Former Chair of House Committee on Education

Rep. Robin Scheu - Vice Chair of House Committee on Appropriations

Rep. Matt Birong - Vice Chair of House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs

Rep. Karen Dolan - Essex

Rep. Scott Campbell - St. Johnsbury, Kirby, Concord

Rep. Lori Houghton - Chair of House Committee on Health Care

Ann Pugh - Former Chair of House Committee on Human Services

Previous Endorsements

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Governor Madeleine Kunin

“I’m pleased to express my support for Sarah’s candidacy for Vermont Secretary of State. For the past 18 years, Sarah has been a steady hand in the legislature. In her role as Chair of the House Committee on Government Operations, she has dealt with issues related to the Secretary of State’s office and has passed legislation to protect and strengthen Vermont’s democracy. In these times, the Secretary of State is an incredibly important job and I’m confident that Sarah will be the Secretary of State Vermonters need and deserve.”
-Governor Madeleine Kunin

Don Hooper, Former Secretary of State

“As a former Vermont Secretary of State, I’ll be voting enthusiastically for Sarah Copeland Hanzas. Vermonters are lucky to have three good candidates for Secretary of State to support this year, but I’m supporting Sarah for three significant reasons. Sarah has the experience. As Chair of the House Committee on Government Operations, she led the charge on countless pro-voter, pro-democracy issues. Sarah has been a strong and passionate leader and has an incomparable and creative work ethic. And lastly, in addition to her passion and competence on democracy issues, Sarah will continue to bring her social justice-oriented approach to everything she does. In particular, I have been a big supporter of her work on climate.”
-Don Hooper

Sarah Copeland Hanzas and Former Secretary of State Don Hooper at a campaign event.

Rep. Erin Brady endorses Sarah Copeland Hanzas for Secretary of State

"I am especially excited about Sarah's commitment to restoring the education and outreach work of the Secretary of State. Materials and curriculum to help engage our future voters have been very impactful in my classroom and I am so encouraged to hear her enthusiasm and new ideas for this work. Educating and engaging young people is critical to the health of our democracy and keeping elections safe."

- Rep. Erin Brady (high school teacher)

Rep. Ann Pugh endorses Sarah Copeland Hanzas for Secretary of State

“Secretary of State is becoming an increasingly contentious role in the times of election deniers. Sarah and I have worked together in the legislature for 18 years and I watched her become the go-to leader in the House for tricky issues because of her strong backbone and thoughtful leadership. We don’t know what threats we’ll face to elections in the upcoming years and Vermont deserves someone with Sarah’s experience and political savvy.”

-Rep. Ann Pugh

Rep. Scott Campbell endorses Sarah Copeland Hanzas for Secretary of State

"Sarah is a leader who understands the dynamics of the political process. She will bring her extensive legislative experience to the task of adapting elections, business and municipal services, and professional regulation to the evolving needs of society."

-Rep. Scott Campbell

"As Chair of the Government Operations Committee Sarah demonstrated time and again her ability to build consensus amongst her Committee members, stakeholders, and members of the public in order to pass fundamental, complex, and controversial Legislation. Sarah possesses the qualities essential for carrying out the roles and responsibilities required of the Secretary of State. Sarah is extremely skilled, intelligent, compassionate, and honest."

-Rep. Sarita Austin

Rep. Karen Dolan endorses Sarah Copeland Hanzas for Secretary of State

"I am excited to support Sarah's candidacy for Secretary of State. Vermonters will benefit from Sarah's tremendous motivation, experience and collaborative effort to help move our state forward. In the past two years, Sarah has coordinated significant accomplishments for Vermont including expanded voting access, legislative re-districting, pension reform and countless charter changes to bolster our communities. Sarah's leadership will serve us well as Secretary of State."

-Rep. Karen Dolan

Rep. Kathleen James endorses Sarah Copeland Hanzas as Secretary of State

“Sarah Copeland-Hanzas is a proven leader with deep experience in Vermont governance and election laws. She's also a fierce advocate for voting rights, ballot access and making sure voters have the tools and information they need to participate fully in democracy. She brings an exciting vision to this race, with ideas that will bring a new dynamism to the office — to engage Vermonters, including young people, in the future of our state."

-Rep. Kathleen James

"I am supporting Sarah because I have watched her tackle controversial issues, in a way that creates consensus among lots of different groups and points of view. Sarah is a problem solver, a big picture thinker, and brings people together."

-Rep. Kari Dolan

"Sarah has been a fearless leader at the State House on so many issues…climate change, election reform, redistricting, cannabis, pensions. We need her passion and her vision as our next Secretary of State as we navigate some of the greatest threats to democracy in our history."

-Rep. Janet Ancel

"Sarah’s commitment to civil discourse along with her experience and leadership make her a clear choice for Secretary of State. I’ve seen first hand her determination in addressing the hard issues facing our state to ensure all Vermont voices are heard."

- Rep. Lori Houghton

Additional Endorsements

Senator Chris Pearson, Chittenden
Rep. John Bartholomew, Windsor-1
Rep. Matt Birong, Addison-3
Rep. Seth Bongartz, Bennington-4
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, Windham-4
Rep. Jessica Brumstead, Chittenden-5-2
Rep. Mollie Burke, Windham-2-2
Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Windsor-1
Rep. Sara Coffey, Windham-1
Rep. Harold “Hal” Colston, Chittenden-6-7
Rep. Peter Conlon, Addison-2
Rep. Mari Cordes, Addison-4
Rep. David Durfee, Bennington-3
Rep. Caleb Elder, Addison-4
Rep. Rey Garofano, Chittenden-8-1
Rep. Jay Hooper, Orange-Washington-Addison
Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Rutland-6
Rep. Kimberly Jessup, Washington-5
Rep. John Killacky, Chittenden-7-3
Eric Knudsen, Esq., Partner Langrock, Sperry, and Wool.
Rep. Diane Lanpher, Addison-3
Rep. Bill Lippert Jr., Chittenden-4-2
Former Rep. Jason Lorber, Chittenden-3-3
Rep. Curt McCormack, Chittenden-6-3
Rep. Jim McCullough, Chittenden-2
Rep. Mike Mrowicki, Windham-4
Rep. Will Notte, Rutland-5-4
Rep. Carol Ode, Chittenden-6-1
Andrew Savage, Vice President of Sustainability, Lime
Rep. Robin Scheu, Addison-1
Rep. Amy Sheldon, Addison-1
Rep. George Till, Chittenden-3
Rep. Tristan Toleno, Windham-2-3
Rep. Kate Webb, Chittenden-5-1
Rep. Becca White, Windsor-4-2
Rep. Theresa Wood, Washington-Chittenden
Rep. Mike Yantachka, Chittenden-4-1

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